Friday, February 26, 2010

Clogging Duet for Ananzi!

Ananzi (my 6 year old daughter), wanted to learn to clog and I told her that when we had the extra money per month that I would get her in class. I was able to do that at the beginning of this season in September and she has caught on so quickly! I've also been able to take the classes with her for no charge because the teacher doesn't have an adult class going and I've always wanted to learn. Plus it helps Ananzi because I can practice with her at home. Her teacher keeps telling me how much of a natural she is and that she will for sure be promoted up to the next class for next year. So yesterday we went to class and her teacher tells me that she wants to have Ananzi and her son do a duet together for a competition over in Pocatello in April and they would be the only ones from their class going to it! Susan (teacher) gave me the DVD with the dance instructions on them and we're going to start learning it today. I am so so so very proud of my Ananzi!


  1. Yay Ananzi! I am so proud of you sweetie! That is so awesome Melissa. How wonderful that she has something she can do so well, and be proud of at the same time! A competition would be excellent for her to look forward to. I only wish I were still in Idaho Falls so I could go. Promise that you take a ton of pictures to show me! :)

  2. Congratulations on your new blog and to Ananzi on her clogging successes.

    Sounds like you have a busy life - a very busy life. Looking forward to reading about it as you share it here.

  3. Melissa, this is going to be a fun blog. I really am enjoying it. By the way, I noticed that there were some leaf buds on my trees. Spring!!!
